Maintenance KPI Calculator
MTTR, MTTF, MTBF, PMP, OEE... No sweat. We got you!
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) Calculator
MTTR = (Total Downtime) / (Number of Repairs)
Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Calculator
[Total Uptime (in hours) / # Number of breakdowns]
Planned Maintenance Percentage Calculator
[(planned maintenance hours / total maintenance hours) * 100]
Overall Equipment Effectiveness Calculator
[availability * performance * quality]
Schedule Compliance Calculator
[# of completed scheduled WOs on time / total scheduled WOs * 100]
Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
MTTF = (Total Operating Time) / (Number of Failures)
Failure Rate (λ)
Failure Rate (λ) = (Number of Failures) / (Total Operating Time)
Unplanned Downtime
Unplanned Downtime = (Total Downtime - Planned Downtime)
Mean Maintenance Cost (MMC)
MMC = (Total Maintenance Costs) / (Number of Maintenance Activities)
Replacement Asset Value (RAV)
RAV = (Current Asset Value) + (Capital Expenditure on New Assets) - (Capital Disposal of Old Assets)
Maintenance Cost as a Percentage of Replacement Asset Value (RAV)
Maintenance Cost as a % of RAV = (Total Maintenance Costs) / (Replacement Asset Value) × 100%
Wrench Time
Wrench Time = (Total Time Spent on Direct Maintenance) / (Total Work Hours)
Equipment Availability Calculator
[(available time - planned downtime) / available time)]